Change the look and feel of the BIG Launcher with this theme.
This theme was inspired by project Kennedy. It is a code name for the graphics style of the recent Google products, including Chrome and Google+. This isn't an official Google product.
* This theme can be used with the latest version of BIG Launcher (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) or BIG Launcher FREE DEMO (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>). <b>This is not a standalone app.</b>
* Themes can be memory intensive, do not use them on a low-end devices!
* To apply the theme, go to the Preferences -> Appearance -> Select theme
* To use custom icons, go to the Preferences -> Customize buttons and screens. If the theme is active, you can choose from the Internal icons as well as from the theme icons themselves.
* Watch the video tutorials or read the user manual at our website <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Feel free to contact us (<a href=""></a>) in case of any problems. Thank you!
Some of the icons used under CC license - Cornmanthe3rd (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>)
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